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Plastercast Painting


Based on the important and still valid classical principle, painting from life provides skill and technique to further improve your skills in still life and portrait painting. Painting the plaster statue or a cast allows you to transfer the image from 3 dimensional to 2 dimensional on canvas or panel. Marco Krauwinkel  gives a 15-part lesson using this proven academic method. 


Structure of the lesson


During the lessons we will work with a plaster statue or plaster cast that we learn to copy in oil paint. We work with the color raw umber and black and white oil paint. It also shows how to apply the so-called Sight-Size method. This means that you copy the plaster statue or cast 1 on 1.

It is one of the best ways to master painting, and is also highly recommended as a basis for making a good painting.

You start by setting up the image in raw umber in simplified lines. You continue to work on these lines until you have obtained the correct shape, also by moving/adjusting the lines.

When it is time to fill in the tones, this also goes from large to increasingly refined, then adding the correct color.


This method teaches you how to simplify a shape. You work with a plumb line from which you measure.

But you also regularly distance yourself from your work, so that you can assess whether your measurements were correct. This way you learn to trust your own perception and develop the necessary sense of form and tone.
Afterwards, painting a portrait, for example, will also be a lot easier.



Dates 2024


Monday evening 1February 2, 19, 26 March 11, 18, 25 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 April 13, 20, 27 June 3, 2024



Lesson times


Monday evening from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM




For plastercast painting in 15You pay for 3-hour lessons

€ 835 ,- including materials, coffee/tea.



Plastercast s will take place on the above date, depending on the number of registrations.
Minimum 4 and maximum 10 participants. Register via the registration form below.


Fine Art Academy

Graafdijk West 4

2973 XD Molenaarsgraaf



Pastercast painting.jpg

I am signing up for 15 lessons in Plaster Cast painting from Marco Krauwinkel:

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