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Still Life Painting

The leading contemporary Master Leo Pors will teach still life painting for 5 evenings. A unique opportunity to take these 5 lessons with him and become acquainted with painting still lifes in oil.

Structure of the lesson


The first lesson will be about using materials and setting up a composition on the panel, the following lessons will be painted with oil paint in different layers, in order to achieve a beautiful end result layer by layer. 

Who is still life painting for?


This 5-part lesson is for people who want to become acquainted with oil painting with still life as the subject.


Date 2024


March 12, 19, 26, April 1 and 9



The evening classes are during 5 Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM including materials, tea and coffee, you pay € 475,- incl. VAT
Still life painting lessons are a unique opportunity to become acquainted with oil painting and discover the techniques and use of materials of Master Painter Leo Pors.


NB: For participants who are self-employed in the cultural sector there isfinancing available for all Masterclasses, lessons and workshops.

You can request/submit this via:



Maximum 10 participants, if the group is full you will be put on a waiting list. 




Fine Art Academy

Graafdijk West 4

2973 XD Molenaarsgraaf


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I sign up for 5 still life painting lessons with Leo Pors:

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