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5-day Masterclass 'Life Portrait Mastertraining'

Wencke Vinks gives a 5-day Masterclass 'LifePortrait Master Training' from 20 to 24 November 2023.

The masterclass 'Life Portrait Mastertraining' was developed by Wencke Vinks for our eager students who, after the second life model masterclass 'Life Model Advanced', got a taste for it and would like to continue.  The 'Master Training' week is all about deepening, experimenting, refinement and efficiency.

Our aim here is to help youto fill your creative backpack even further with essential knowledge, tips, experience and insights for your painting path and future portraits!

Structure of the Masterclass​


During the week we will be working with an extension of the Zorn color palette to a life model. Wencke will also give daily life demos with an explanation of her technique. Participants will then watch and ask questions.​ The focus during the masterclass will be on the following points during this week:


  •  In addition to the head and shoulders, attention is also paid to a portrait including   hands and clothing.

  •  Experimenting with different alla prima methods.

  •  Tips and tricks for more character, realism and liveliness in your portraits    to lay.

  •  Extra attention to detail in eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

  •  Painting techniques for hairstyle, clothing and jewelry.  Educational   tonal value studies in charcoal.

  •  Training to deal with time pressure.

  •  Brushwork.

  •  Interpreting the effect of light on the model.


Participants receive personal constructive criticism, as well as a detailed explanation. 
The lessons are given in Dutch (possibly supplemented with English).

Who is this Masterclass for?


For advanced students who would like to thoroughly develop painting/drawing and their skills. The skills and knowledge below are a requirement for participation in this 5-day Masterclass:


  • Drawing skills and some experience with portrait drawing required.

  • Basic color knowledge.

  • Familiar with classical classification of light on an object.

  • Experience with live models is not necessarygauge.


Date: Monday 20 to Friday 24 November 2023



Time:from 10am to 4pm




The 5-day masterclass isincluding all materials, extensive lunch, tea and coffee.

The costs are €835, including VAT (excluding any overnight costs).


NB: For participants who are self-employed in the cultural sector, it is possible tofinancing available for all Masterclasses, lessons and workshops.

You can request/submit this via:




The 5-day Masterclass will take place on the above date, depending on the number of registrations.
Minimum 6 and maximum 10 participants. Register via the registration form below.


Overnight stay


For an overnight stay you can use the beautiful B&B's in the area. You can book via the link below.


Bed and Breakfast Molenaarsgraaf - Unique B&B's|


Fine Art Academy

Graafdijk West 4

2973 XD Molenaarsgraaf



Wencke Vinks

Oil on panel 40 x 50 cm
A shower here and there

wencke vinks 2.jpg

Wencke Vinks

Oil on panel 70 x 50 cm 
In Rubens' garden


I am registering for the 5-day Masterclass by Wencke Vinks:

Fine Art Academy

Graafdijk West 4

2973 XD Molenaarsgraaf

phone: 0031648407866


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Copyright © 2021 - Marco Krauwinkel

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