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5-day Water Masterclass with model 


Ralf Heynen gives a 5-day Water Masterclass with model painting on Monday 23 to Friday 27 October 2023.

Structure of the Masterclass


Five-day water masterclass with model painting.

Ralf Heynen personally guides artists in painting a pre-selected motif.​

Many facets come to light, such as structure, anatomy, color and brush technique.​

During each part of the day, Ralf first demonstrates himself. Participants will then watch and ask questions.​

Participants receive personal constructive criticism, as well as a detailed explanation.

We work with oil paint on panel (50 x 40 cm). The lessons aregiven in Dutch (possibly supplemented with German and English).

Who is the Water Painting Masterclass for?

For participants who would like to delve deeper into the craft of water painting and thoroughly develop their skills.'


Date 2023


Monday 23 to Friday 27 October 2023

Masterclass lesson times from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m



The 5 day masterclass isincluding all materials, lunch, tea and coffee.

The costs are €695, including VAT (excluding any overnight costs).


NB: For participants who are self-employed in the cultural sector there isfinancing available for all Masterclasses, lessons and workshops.

You can request/submit this via:



The 5-day Masterclass will take place on the above date, depending on the number of registrations. If the Masterclass does not take place due to Covid-19 measures, the date will be rescheduled or the tuition fee will be refunded.
Register via the registration form below


Overnight stay


For an overnight stay you can use the beautiful B&B's in the area. You can book via the link below.


Bed and Breakfast Molenaarsgraaf - Unique B&B's|


Fine Art Academy

Graafdijk West 4

2973 XD Molenaarsgraaf


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Ralf Heynen

Oil on canvas 90 x 60 cm
A young woman on the waterfront on the banks of the Waal

Ralf Heynen - Waterlilies.JPG

Ralf Heynen

Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm
Water lilies

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I am registering for Ralf Heynen's 5-day Masterclass:

Fine Art Academy

Graafdijk West 4

2973 XD Molenaarsgraaf

phone: 0031648407866


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Copyright © 2021 - Marco Krauwinkel

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